The ACP Legal Venezuelan Chapter has been appointed to carry out part of the international research project funded by the Italian government under PRIN (Progetto di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale or Research Project of National Interest) entitled “Courts, Professors and The Inclusive Society: The Impact of Scholarly Opinions on the Highest Courts”.
The research will focus on verifying if the judges of the appeal and of the Venezuelan constitutional chamber,-between 2007 and 2012 - in the field of business, contracts and private economic initiative, strengthen their motivation using references and quotes from the doctrine...
A cooperation agreement between ACP Legal Venezuela and the prestigious Italian SISDIC (Società Italiana degli Studiosi of Diritto Civile), chaired by Profesor & Senator Pietro Perlingieri, is scheduled between April 3-5 in Naples, Italy.
We thank Prof. Lucia Ruggeri, Director of the School of Specialization in Civil Law, University of Camerino, Italy, and Prof. Gerardo Ulloa of ACP Legal Venezuela for allowing such a scientific international cooperation.
For more information:
SISDIC website:
Published on 2013-02-26, 3:41 pm