2015 will be a milestone year for OHADAC
Published on 2015-01-14, 3:16 pm
The year 2015 will see the adoption of the first OHADAC texts for the harmonization of business law in the Caribbean area and the creation of the OHADAC Arbitration Centre, an institute created with the aim of aiding and encouraging ad hoc arbitration under the OHADAC Arbitration Rules and collaboration with other arbitral institutions.
We have the pleasure to announce the publication of the draft OHADAC Model Law on Commercial Companies on the www.ohadac.com website, in French, English and Spanish.
This draft can be consulted and downloaded in any of the OHADAC project's three languages: English, Spanish and French.
It was drafted under the scientific coordination of Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Dávalos Fernández: Chair (Professor) of private international law and business law at the University of Havana, President of the Arbitration Court of Cuba, international arbitrator and Member of the IHLADI.
This draft bill contains a set of harmonized clauses, recommendations and model rules in order to facilitate the operation of companies carrying out international activities in the Caribbean region, such as mergers, branch openings, HQ relocations, joint-ventures and the creation of corporate groups.
Original versions of the other draft OHADAC texts also available on the www.ohadac.com website are:
- The draft text of the OHADAC Principles on International Commercial Contracts, drafted under the scientific coordination of Prof. Dr.h.c. Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo: (Chair) Professor of private international law at the University of Granada, Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, international arbitrator and Member of the IHLADI.
- The draft OHADAC Model Law Relating to private international law, drafted under the scientific coordination of Prof. Dr.h.c. José Carlos Fernandez Rozas: Director of the Department of public and private international law at the Complutense University of Madrid, Associated of the Institute of International Law, international arbitrator and Member of the IHLADI.
Coming soon:
The draft OHADAC Arbitration and Conciliation Rules: drafted under the scientific coordination of Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Dávalos Fernández.
Translation of these draft OHADAC texts is currently underway. A publication about this in the three OHADAC languages in the weeks will soon be available. This will enable as many people as possible in the Caribbean to make use of the full catalogue of OHADAC texts.
For your information, the translation of these draft OHADAC texts is led by CERIJE (Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Juritraductologie), and coordinated by Ms. Sylvie MONJEAN-DECAUDIN.
We would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and/or comments on the draft OHADAC model law publications, so that we can all contribute directly to the success of the OHADAC reform, which will lay the foundations for the genuine regional integration of countries in the Caribbean zone.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Jean Alain Penda
Email: japenda@ohadac.com